Tuesday 8 October 2013

Tools and Techniques - Lorem Ipsum and Lorem Pixel

Tools and Techniques - Notepad vs Komodo Edit

Notepad vs. Komodo edit
In this blog post I will be describing advantages and disadvantages of notepad and komodo edit; as well as comparing them in the sense of web development.
Notepad is simple text editor software that has been included in all windows computer since 1985. Since the software has no format tags, it is suitable to edit system files; however it provides very basic text handling functions.
It is a universal file therefore it is easy to use as well as it comes free with any computer typically windows operating system, however one of the disadvantages is that HTML command line has to learnt as there is no help provided with the software. In addition there is no inbuilt browser therefore the user has to view the final product in an external browser.
However since it is an easy software, it does not require much training, meaning it not expensive as well as time consuming. Nevertheless it does it has no inbuilt templates and therefore can be time consuming when the user makes templates, however once the templates have been created they can be saved and used over and over again. In addition unlike komodo edit; notepad is quicker to load.        
Komodo edit
Komodo edit is also a text editor software that was launched in January 2007. It is used to more advanced programming unlike notepad.  
One of the biggest advantages of komodo edit is that it has auto fill options for HTML and CSS; which makes it much easier to use as the user does not have to remember all the tags and code. As well as it provides help, as consists of templates so the user does not have to waste time creating their own templates. However komodo is complex and therefore might require training which means it can be expensive as well as time consuming.
On the other hand komodo edit does provide help for example the code is colour coded and therefore it makes it easier for the user to read it, as well as the user can create projects therefore all the files are organized in one folder. Another advantage is that there is inbuilt browser and therefore users can browse web pages within the program as well as allowing the user to test within the program. However another disadvantage is that it takes longer to load the program.
To conclude both softwares are text editors and used for web developments, individually both are great softwares for web development however I would suggest that komodo edit is better for web development; as it does provide a lot of help with the coding. However there will be training needed but once the user gets the hang of it can be very easy to use.    

Website- wikipedia.org
Time- 7:04pm
Date- 22/11/2013

Website- wikipedia.org
Time- 7:20pm
Date- 22/11/2013

Assess different implenetation styles of CSS

In this blog I will be assessing the different implementation styles of CSS, these includes inline, internal also known as embedded and external.


Inline CSS adds styling to single HTML elements using a type of attribute of an element called <style>.

Advantages of Inline

1. With Inline you don't need to create an external document, as well as this you don't need to edit a new element in the head of your document. Inline are therefore very easy to add and can save a lot of time.

2. Web designers use the inline style sheet when they are first working on a new project. This is because it is easier to scroll up in the source instead of changing the source file. More importantly inline can be used to debug pages if there is an error and it is hard to fix.

3. Inline loads faster, this means that Internal CSS websites load much faster than External CSS websites and therefore also loads quicker on mobiles.

Disadvantages of Inline

1. The Inline style must be used for every webpage you want it on so it can be much more time consuming if you are creating a large web site. For example if you wanted all your headings to have a font of "Verdana" you would have to add an inline < p> < /p> tag in your documents. This will also mean that the load time for the website is longer when the user opens the site.


An internal style sheet is basically all the tags within the code of the web page, for example <head>, and <body>. These tags visually do not show anything however they inform the browser that there will be some sorts off CSS on the web page.

Advantages of Internal

1. Internal styles don't need to be applied to every webpage. If you want all your headings or paragraphs to have the family font "verdana" you would have to add an Inline style <p> tag within your internal style document. This can benefit you if you want to keep all the fonts the same as you just need to do it once.

Disadvantages of Internal

1.One of the biggest disadvantages of internal is that if the user wants to make changes to the WebPages they would have to amend every page, so for example if there are 20 pages on a website then the user would have to make changes to all the 20 pages separately, which can be very time consuming.


An external style sheet allows you to change the appearance (e.g. the layout, the colour) of all pages within the web page. External style sheets are mainly used for when having to apply many appearances to many pages on a web page/page's.

Advantages of External

1. Because the styling text is within a different document it means that the file sizes of the pages will be reduced quite considerably. This also means the structure and content is much easier to read by the developers.

2. CSS lets you to display your website according to the HTML standards. This can be done without changing any looks or designs on your site itself.

3. Because the style is separated from the HTML page and is put within a CSS style sheet it means that there is less code within the page but more importantly it makes it more easy to work with and less confusing as the HTML is separated with the style sheet.

Disadvantages of External

1. If you have a small website it could be more complicated to use external style sheets because they can increase quite fast and if you have deleted web pages it can be confusing as you wouldn't know which style sheet is needed.


Depending on the type of the website, the programmer would choose which type of css they want to use. For example a website with only one page without colour and media would use internal CSS. On the other hand if a website has multiple pages with media and colours, the programmer would use external.



Date- 17/12/2013

Time- 09:33 pm


Date- 17/12/2013

Time- 09:53 pm

Explain the features of the box model for CSS

CSS Box Model

Box model shows the design and layout of html, this is very important for creating a well presented and professional looking website. The CSS box model consists of different layers, margin, border, padding and content; all these layers help to make it easier to read each part of the website.    

·         The margin clears the area around the border; it transparent therefore has no background colour and blends in with the website background itself. Depending on the code, it leaves out empty space by a certain amount.     

·         The border goes around the padding and content, it is affected by a background colour.  The thickness and type of the border can be changed for example 10px thick blue. However this does not work on the internal browser.

·         Padding clears out the area around the content. This is done to make sure the border is not too close to the content s and therefore making it easier for the user to read.    

·         Content is where the text and images are placed, this is placed in the middle of all the other layers.   

Website- bizbtec.co.uk
Time- 6:40
Date- 04/12/2013

Explain how HTML files access CSS

Explain how HTML files access CSS


HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language used to create files on the internet; it defines the structure of a web document with the help of different tags. For example the <HTML> OR <BODY> tags. HTML lays out a basic outline for the website so other complicated languages (such as JavaScript and CSS) can manipulate the code. HTML can be used to create simple websites however for more complicated websites; other advanced programs would be used.


After the text has been saved as an HTML file, the browser reads then reads the file and translates the code into to visible form. This means that the user can create their own HTML coding on demand by using the tags correctly and produce their own vision inform of a website. HTML concentrates on the content of the website, HTML tags most commonly come in pairs like <h1> and </h1>, although some tags represent empty elements and so are unpaired, for example <img>.


CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, CSS concentrates on the formatting of the website for example layout, font and colour. CSS can modify or replace any of the layers without having to change the others; one change will affect many pages (separate CSS) therefore we do not have to change the same thing in many pages. It’s most common application is to style web pages written in HTML and XHTML. CSS enables multiple pages to share formatting therefore it reduces complexity and repetition of code.

For example:

Font-size: 30px

Background-color: green


CSS concentrates on the layout, for a variety of devices. Along with graphics and scripting, HTML and CSS are the basis of building Web pages and Web Applications.CSS is much better for layout than HTML; however HTML is the foundation for all websites. HTML is seen as "mother tongue" of your browser, HTML is used for content.



Website- blogspot.co.uk

Time- 10:34 pm

Date- 02/12/2013


Website- blogspot.co.uk

Time- 10:40 pm

Date- 02/12/2013